Equity MPFs gains 12.7% in a year

五月 19, 2011
Joe Chan

The annualised return for equity MPFs rose 12.7% over the past twelve months as at 31 March this year, according to the to the latest Statistical Digest from Mandatory Provident Fund Authority (MPFA).

The one-year annualised return for equity MPFs has expanded in the first quarter (Q1) 2011 compared the one-year annualised return of 10.2% posted in Q4 last year.

The total return for all MPFs was 5.4% since December 2000, with equity MPFs contributing the most, gaining 5.7% in the past ten years. Mixed asset and bond MPFs also saw a rise of 4.9% and 3.9% respectively over the past ten years.

For MPF asset allocation, 67% was invested in equity MPFs, 22% in debt securities and 11% in deposits and cash as at last year end. Within equity MPFs, 36% was invested in Hong Kong which topped the list among other regions. Also, 10% of MPFs were invested in Asia, while only 9% and 8% were invested in Europe and North America respectively.

Meanwhile, the aggregate net asset values of the MPF schemes rose to HK$378.28bn in end-March 2011 from HK$317.31bn a year ago.

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根據強積金研究機構《積金評級》(MPF Ratings)資料,截至今年3月底止,MPF資產累積至1.17萬億元...

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