Investment Objective

Achieve long-term capital growth through primarily investing in a portfolio of carefully selected shares traded on different global markets.

Fund Details

Latest Fund Expense Ratio: N/A%

Launch Date(dd/mm/yyyy): 01/07/2019

Unit Price: HKD 12.51

Fund Size: HKD 518.79M

Fund Commentary

Global equities fell sharply in the first quarter of 2020 as volatility surged at record levels and investor sentiment became increasingly risk averse amidst coronavirus disease (COVID-19) global pandemic, contagion containment lockdown measures, and a steep deterioration in global economic outlook. Oil price plunged on COVID-19- stemmed weaker demand outlook and, later in the quarter, the Saudi Arabia – Russia price war. In this risk-off environment, shares across both developed and emerging markets tumbled, with emerging equities slightly underperforming over the period as the US dollar strength and the plunge in oil prices proved additional headwinds. Looking at the quarterly performance, our allocation to Latin America and Japanese equities contributed to performance. From selection perspective, our selection in North American equities contributed to performance, while our selection in Global and European equities weighed on performance.

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