Scheme $6K registration orderly

八月 31, 2011
Joe Chan

The first day of Scheme $6,000 registration yesterday saw 303,000 registration forms collected through drop-boxes at bank branches, and 19,000 at post offices. Another 5,900 registrations were submitted via banks’ online services.
The Financial Services & the Treasury Bureau reminded the public today that eligible people who register through banks will receive the payment directly through the specified bank account 10 weeks after registration. Those registering through Hongkong Post will be notified by post to collect a cheque in 12 weeks.
Registration was conducted in an orderly manner, with more than 1,100 branches of the 21 retail banks participating in the scheme, and 126 post offices, opening yesterday. Opening hours will return to normal tomorrow.
Click here for more information on Scheme $6,000.

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