HK MPFs report gains after two-months of losses

十一月 5, 2011
Joe Chan

Hong Kong MPFs ended two-months of losses and recorded an average monthly return of 6.64% in October, pushed by a significant pick-up in equity MPFs, according to Lipper’s latest figures.

Among different asset classes, equity MPFs posted the largest rebound from the previous month of 10.56%. All categories reported gains. China equity had the largest rise of 15.83%, followed by Greater China and Asia Pacific equity of 12.91% and 12.62% respectively.

Driven by the recovery of global stock markets last month, mixed asset MPFs also posted a monthly gain of 6.19 %. However, bond MPFs unperformed all other asset classes, slightly up by 0.89%.

Year-to-date, MPFs continue to suffer losses of 5.29% in average, with equity and mixed asset MPF gains evaporating 10.35% and 4.21% respectively. Bond MPFs remain a better play, delivering returns of 4.09%.

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根據強積金研究機構《積金評級》(MPF Ratings)資料,截至今年3月底止,MPF資產累積至1.17萬億元...

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