Investment Objective

To provide investors with capital preservation combined with steady capital appreciation over the long term by investing in a diversified portfolio of global equities and fixed-interest securities and is expected to invest 30 per cent of its assets in equities and 70 per cent in fixedinterest securities.

Fund Details

Latest Fund Expense Ratio: 1.44%

Launch Date(dd/mm/yyyy): 01/02/2001

Unit Price: HKD 29.7088

Fund Size: HKD 514.01M

Fund Commentary

US Treasuries initially sold off as better-than-expected jobs data raised hopes of a V-shaped economic recovery. The yield on the 10-year US Treasury bond traded back above 0.9%, its highest level since mid-March, before yields fell once more as the Federal Reserve reiterated its gloomy economic outlook. In Europe, German Bund yields closed the month with little changed, but peripheral eurozone bonds fared better.

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